In January, 2018, SMARD convened its first session of the Pastoral Leadership Training Program. This program was created to meet the need of church leaders who desired to be equipped for ministry in geographic areas were seminary training was inaccessible. In South Sudan, most of our churches are led by pastors who themselves have never had the opportunity to be trained at a seminary level. This is a limiting factor to the church and one that can be addressed with mobile teaching resources.
We’ve partnered with the Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP) and have brought seminary level training through our program. SMARD identified and invited 20 church leaders in the Juba area who were currently serving in their communities to participate in a multi-year formal training program. However, when word spread of our program, 56 pastors and church leaders showed up to be trained. There truly is a hunger for our church leaders to grow in knowledge of the Word of God.
Over the last 3 years we have methodically worked through all 10 of the BTCP training modules. Gathering together for 2 weeks at a time several times throughout the year for intensive study, our participants are equipped with knowledge and skills necessary to teach and lead their congregations. Our formal instruction is listed below

- Bible Study Methods and Interpretation.
- Old Testament Survey
- New Testament Survey
- Preaching Biblical Messages
- Bible Doctrine Survey
- Personal Spiritual Life
- Church Ministry, Administration and Education
- Teaching Principal and Methods
- Church History Survey
- Missions, Evangelism and Discipleship.
In our last session that took place from Nov 9-20, 2020 we completed our final module and also covered additional content on Trauma Healing and Servant Leadership. 49 members completed the training and have returned back to their communities to serve the Lord better equipped. May the Lord bless the investment they have all made to grow in their knowledge and understanding of Him.
We at SMARD want to thank our financial and prayer partners who support our Pastoral Leadership Training Program (PLTP). We wish to express our gratitude as your provision enables us to train, strengthen and equip pastors and church leaders from different denominations all across South Sudan. We look forward to continuing the partnership in 2021 despite the challenges that the pandemic has caused. We trust God that you will continue with us.