Our peace is our prosperity.

Many years of war and fighting in South Sudan has eroded the social fabric and destroyed trust among the 64 indigenous ethnic communities. Widespread tribalism combined with self-serving leaders and unequal access to resources has left many communities feeling marginalized. This has resulted in numerous conflicts which quickly escalate into cycles of hatred and revenge. Furthermore, the emotional trauma of war and fighting has left communities at risk of re-escalation even after fighting has ceased. Future outbreaks of violence are an ever-present risk as communities live in an ongoing state of fear and resentment. Deep emotional healing and genuine reconciliation remain largely unaddressed in much of East Africa.

SMARD’s Peacebuilding & Reconciliation Program is aimed at promoting forgiveness, reconciliation and interdependence between communities. Through forums, work-shops and inter-community dialogues, SMARD equips civic officials, church leaders, tribal elders, as well as women and youth to embrace their role in establishing and maintaining peace. Skills such as peace building, conflict resolution and mediation are taught and role modeled. SMARD believes that any efforts at peacebuilding must focus on Biblical forgiveness as a foundation for reconciliation of relationships. It is our belief that God’s initiative of reconciliation through Jesus Christ calls us all to a ministry of peace building with our families, our communities as well as other tribes and people groups.

A new identity in Christ…

The Answer to Tribal Violence

Creating a culture of peace. Tribe by tribe. Nation by nation.

Explore Our Work

SMARD believes that the moral base of servant leadership is the desire to serve. We lead by investing our lives in the service of the disadvantaged. Out of a spirit of friendship, humility and mutual respect, we enjoy the satisfaction that comes from selfless service.