Our Mission

To empower the people of South Sudan with good health, knowledge and skills to achieve sustainable peace and gospel-driven transformation.

Our Vision

Transform South Sudan envisions self-sustaining communities driving sustainable peace and transformational development in East Africa

Our Core Values

SMARD is a faith based, indigenous national organization serving South Sudan.
We are guided by the following Values:

Holistic Approach

We value a holistic approach to ministry, caring for both the physical and spiritual well being of the human person. We believe in the holistic ministry of Jesus Christ giving due attention to the spiritual, physical and material needs regardless of ethnic origin, religion or gender.


We believe that long term positive impact is a result of healthy relationships. We strive to make, build and preserve relationships with all people including those who hold different views.

Active Participation

We cherish active participation as an effective means of empowerment for communities and sustainability of projects. We encourage our target groups and partners to take active roles in the problems we are trying to solve together.


SMARD believes that the moral base of servant leadership is the desire to serve. We lead by investing our lives in the service of the disadvantaged. Out of a spirit of friendship, humility and mutual respect, we enjoy the satisfaction that comes from selfless service.


We conduct our business with honesty evident by being transparent and accountable to our beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders. We value being good stewards of all resources entrusted to us.


We cultivate and encourage creativity as a viable strategy for our ministry as we serve in a constantly changing environment.

For our friends in the USA

SMARD is known as
Transform South Sudan
in the USA

For our friends visiting in the United States, please navigate to transformsouthsudan.org.