The teachings of Jesus changes hearts.

It was the teachings of Jesus Christ that changed the heart of our founder, James Baak. As a young boy, he entered the Kakuma refugee camp with the desire to acquire a gun and avenge his people. Years later, he would leave the camp with a changed heart and the message of eternal security and everlasting peace on his lips.

At SMARD we believe that the teachings of Jesus are without equal in terms of their value and impact to the human race. Jesus not only taught but provided an example of how to live a life guided by love, compassion and forgiveness. This example is desperately needed in our homeland where war, injustice and hatred have reigned for so many years. We need the hearts of the South Sudanese people to be softened and so we strive to make the teachings of Jesus known through our Biblical literacy initiatives. We work to make Bibles available in the native languages of our people and then we help them to read and understand what is taught. Truly every aspect of our mission, from education to leadership training to peacebuilding to food security is rooted in Biblical instruction.

God’s Word in the Language of the Heart

Learn how the Dinka tribe is learning the teachings of Jesus.

Explore Our Work

SMARD believes that the moral base of servant leadership is the desire to serve. We lead by investing our lives in the service of the disadvantaged. Out of a spirit of friendship, humility and mutual respect, we enjoy the satisfaction that comes from selfless service.

For our friends in the USA

SMARD is known as
Transform South Sudan
in the USA

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