Equipping Pastors and Church Leaders for ministry

Earlier this year SMARD partnered with Liberti Church to facilitate a 2 week training class in Juba, the capital city of South Sudan. Leaders serving in different capacities from various churches within Juba were invited to participate in an intensive training program designed to enhance their pastoral skills as ambassadors of God’s Word.

SMARD has adopted curriculum from the Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP) which is designed to train remote pastors who are without access to formal seminaries for training. Our focus for the 14 days was the first two modules of the BTCP curriculum, New Testament Survey and Bible Study Methods and Rules for Interpretation.

In preparation, we invited 40 pastors to the class and on the first morning we were surprised to discover that word had spread and that 53 would show up for the training. This was a wonderful affirmation that there is indeed a hunger for our pastors and church leaders to be equipped to engage more effectively in ministry! There was a true energy in the gathering as leaders shared their learning with each other and collaborated on how they could coordinate their efforts to bring about spiritual development in Juba.

By the end of 14 days together, a number of the participants had remarked that this was the most valuable training class they had ever been a part of. We thank God for provision of funding that allowed us to coordinate and facilitate this training class and we pray for the leaders who attended that they would apply what they have learned and remain strong to faithfully serve the Lord.

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Sarah’s Testimony (Bible Literacy)

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Patrick Ijaka Oure
    July 13, 2021 10:40 am

    We really need this kind of training in Kenya too. Kindly advice us on how to arrange for it.


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